At 4a on October 21, 2002 our 10 year old golden retriever Britt passed away peacefully. Christine, Bisco, and I were at his side when Britt painlessly passed away from what we believe was a heart attack or stroke. Britt spent his last days being pampered by Christine and me in familiar surroundings. He was quite happy to be home and really enjoyed spending some quality time with Christine, Bisco, and me. Yesterday we wagged his tail when we talked to him and even barked with excitement when we had visitors. Every day he seemed to get much stronger but we knew it was only a matter of days before the cancer would run its course.
Britt was a “perfect” dog and well loved by all who knew him. He was a gentleman and respected people and other dogs. He taught Christine and me how to be good parents, to love each other unconditionally, to be humble, and take comfort in the simple pleasures of life (Frisbee, Marymour, fleece toys, treats, canned wet dog food, and warmly greeting friends). We will miss him a lot and cherish the fond memories and life lessons he has taught us. We are eternally grateful to Britt for preparing us for the next stage of our life, being great parents to our new baby girl Katherine. Our only regret is that Katherine will never know Britt.