Before midnight weblog rush. It seems like I’m also writing my weblogs at a couple of minutes before midnight. My latest trick is to post an bogus weblog before midnight so I can “set the clock” on the weblog even though I usually finish it after midnight.
Publishing Photos. I’m trying to take more digital photos of Katherine and incorporate them into her weblog. In addition to being a home networking and computer geek, I’m also a photo geek. I currently shoot with a Nikon F5 for film and Nikon 990 for digital. During my sabbatical, I wrote a photo manager program that associates the “shooting data” of the camera with the actual photos. I did this because there is really no good solution for a photo processing workflow that works with both digital and regular photos. All of the existing solutions are either really high end (too expensive) or focused on just digital.
What I want is a way to take digital or regular photos and easily massage them into my existing web content. I created a template for Katherine’s web log that I reuse over and over again to generate a thumbnail view that when clicked upon goes to a higher res version. This should all be automatic.