Adam Young, son of Kenny and Dana, holding Katherine. Adam and his brother Derek visited last night. We had build your own pizza for dinner. The boys had a good time making and then eating their creations. After dinner, the boys went upstairs to watch Men in Black II.
Archives for December 2002
Dinner with the LeVines and Youngs
The LeVines and Youngs came over for dinner last night. The Young boys were very interested in Katherine. Derek played with Katherine’s hands, amazed at their small size. Adam got to hold Katherine and made sure Derek didn’t do anything to upset Katherine.
As we all gatherings, we took the twin photo of Katherine and Sidney LeVine. They’re both growing like weeds. Katherine stared at Sidney while Sidney gestured wildly to the onlookers.
Bisco Barks at His Reflection
Bisco is our 2.5 year old golden retriever. With the birth of Katherine, we moved his bed to in front of the fireplace. Last night, we caught Bisco staring at the fireplace and looking pretty upset. Soon, he was barking at his reflection in the fireplace. It was quite amusing for Christine and I. We don’t know why he picked last night to figure this out.
Free Xbox from Pure Networks
Just in time for the holidays, get a chance to win a free Xbox from Pure Networks by completing this short survey about home networking. The winner will be drawn at random from all entries on January 30, 2003. Click here to view official contest rules.
Pure Networks will use the survey information to help build better home networking products for our customers.
DynaCenter is now Pure Networks
It’s official. DynaCenter is now Pure Networks, Inc. We published the new web site designed and coded by Rob. I drew the task of switching over our email to It took a while for me to figure out how to get the Exchange server switched over. It turns off that recipient policies is the trick. It allows you to quickly add a new name to each name in the address book.
Finding a Nanny for Katherine
This morning Christine and I met with the nanny recruiting agency. Finding the “right” nanny to take care of your darling daughter is a challenge. Do you want someone mature and professional or young and flexible. Each stereotypical nanny has her/his pros/cons. We want someone who will embrace our values and raise Katherine in the spirit of our values and parenting style. Hopefully, we’ll find the right person.
Katherine is now sleeping 4-5 hours a stretch. This is good news on the night sleeping front. She’s also becoming more aware of her surroundings and learning to be somewhat patient.