Katherine is getting more alert every day. She has long periods where she’s awake and doesn’t know what to do with herself. Most of the time she wants to be held. The good news is that she’s sleeping four hours at a stretch. This means that Christine and I only need to get up twice during the night. The bad news is that it takes her longer to fall back asleep. Katherine wants attention.
Today, Katherine and mom puttered around the house. Katherine got a quick sponge bath this evening as we’re trying to set up some bedtime rituals for her. We heard from our Pediatrician and read in a book called Touchpoints that bedtime rituals are good toward getting your child to have regular sleep patterns. At this point, we’ll try anything to get Katherine to sleep regularly. Overall, she’s a good baby so we have little to complain about.
Tomorrow, we meet with the nanny agency to try to find a great nanny for Katherine.