Katherine is totally fascinated now with her mobile. We turn it on and she just stares at it. Recently, she’s started talking to it. Totally unintelligible baby babble but Christine and I are amazed at the new sounds she’s making. She’s also getting tall. Katherine is a little over 2.5 months old and she’s already growing out of her 3-6 month clothes. She’s just too tall (Steve’s genes).
Katherine is having trouble sleeping. We think (baby debugging) this is due to her having a growth spurt, wanting to play with us, and/or gas bubbles from feeding. Katherine is running Christine and I ragged. Like most parents, we go through our laundry list of things to try:
- Hold and walk around with her until she falls asleep. Katherine’s getting heavy now so this is no longer an easy task. Christine and I are glad we got in shape before having Katherine ๐
- Burp her. Sometimes I wish Katherine could just talk. I never know if she needs to be burped or it’s something else that’s bothering her. In the end, she always gets burped until she starts to get drowsy. Burping is the catch all when a diaper change isn’t the cause of her discomfort.
- Diaper change. Check and change it. Most of the time this is a simple task but it inevitably results in Katherine being wide awake.
- Baby sit ups. I place Katherine on my knees and do sit ups with her. Her legs compress slightly and it seems to help relieve gas problems. I dunno if this really works but when you’re tired you’ll believe anything.
- Baby distraction devices: rocker, shaky chair, foot rest. The rocker and shaky chair are well known. Not so well know is using the foot rest to the rocker (it moves too). I place Katherine on it and start rocking (you have to hold her). Once she falls asleep, it’s easy for me to scoop her up into the crib.
These photos were taken with my new digital camera.