This is Christine. I had Katherine to myself this evening, as Steve had workaholic Tuesday. Two momentous events happened this evening. While she was playing on the activity gym, Katherine rolled from her back to her stomach for the first time! Like previous attempts, she got as far as turning on to her side. I gave her my finger, which she grasped, and pulled her gently to her stomach and rocked her back to her side. She tried to roll over a few more times, grunting and resting intermittently. Ten minutes later, she rolled to her side and fell onto her stomach – victory!! She repeated this once more, and to celebrate she took a nice long, warm bath. This was probably one of the most pleasant bath experiences I’ve had, largely due to a trick that we learned from Patty (put towels underneath the baby so she doesn’t slip in the baby tub). We put lots of toys in the tub, and Katherine had a great time trying to reach and kick her armada of yellow rubber duckies.
After bath time, I settled her into the little vibrating chair (not on) and read several stories. I pulled out one her first books “Discovery Farm” – a cloth book that contains all sorts of crinkly, jingly, soft objects. One page one (which is fairly boring), she managed to grab the left page with her right hand and the yellow chick in her left (new!). She paused as if to deciding to turn the page, and promptly used her right hand to push the page over (new!) to get to her favorite section which contains a felt duck that rotates and a crinkly tractor that folds back to reveal a textured sheep. Like a pro, she moved the tractor back with her left hand to get to the sheep, which she felt. And, then with her right, she grabbed the duck and moved it back and forth (new!). I was so surprised by this whole set of developments that I had to call Steve to share the experience. We spent the next five minutes crinkling the tractor, moving the page around and then finishing up the book. To close the evening, we listened to some lullabies and Katherine drifted off to sleep after a nice snack. What an evening!