Katherine hit many milestones this week – some witnessed by me (Christine) and Steve and others by Patty.
- Rolling All the Way Over: After several days of rolling to her side, Katherine learned how to roll all the way to her stomach. This past Wednesday evening, Katherine awoke screaming in the middle of the night. She had not only rotated 270 degrees in the crib, but she had also flipped on to her tummy and couldn’t flip back! I informed Patty of this development the next morning, and she said “we’ll work on flipping back today.” Lo and behold, Katherine flipped to her tummy and back three times for Patty.
- First Laugh: We heard Katherine laugh for the first time yesterday. It sort of sounded like a “heh heh.” How did we get her to laugh? I’m not sure, but it had something to do with Steve tickling her belly and making funny faces.
- Vocalization: She squeals when she plays with her toys. Her cries are sounding different too. They sound less newborn and more of what you would hear from a crying baby in a restaurant – demanding and really loud.
- Drooling: Katherine drools *a lot* now and sticks everything`in her mouth. Her favorite pastime is inserting her toy giraffe’s feet in her mouth – could this have to do with teething?