We borrowed a Kelty jogger from the Sarins because we wanted to try one out before purchasing. The Kelty Joyride seems like the top choice for us. Katherine on the other hand would probably trade the jogger in for a nice heated car. I have to say our daughter is a real trooper. I not only took her out for a jog in 40 degree weather but I squeezed her into a 6-12 month snow suit that was too tight. It was kind of like a mix between a down jacket and Lycra pants for Katherine. Patty, our wonderful nanny, mentioned that Katherine must have looked like a burrito.
We went around the block a couple of times, never more than 5 minutes from home in case Katherine imploded from stress, the cold or the tight fitting outfit. Katherine only whimpered a couple times. I wouldn’t say she enjoyed jogging around in the bitter cold but she didn’t scream bloody murder, a sign of hope for more adventures.
Thankfully Patty arrived this morning with two fleece full body outfits for Katherine. Patty regularly takes Katherine for strolls around the neighborhood and recognized the need for some more comfortable warm clothing.