I did a Google link search on bushchang.com yesterday and found quite a few non-family links to my home page. I’ve decided to use the home page as my weblog and move all of the family stuff under the “Family” section. Our weblog on Katherine will be accessible under the family section. Some time when I have a free weekend, I will make the family section private to family members.
Back Dating a WebLog
I have to admit that I got behind on posting to my weblog and wanted to catch up. After posting all of my weblogs, I thought I would go fix up the weblog entries to have the right dates (back-posting). It turns out this is a harder problem than I thought as you need to trick Radio into generating the archive pages. After much tinkering, I came up with the following reproducible steps:
- Write your web logs in reverse order as you want them to appear. Write the oldest first and so on until you’re current. Radio numbers all of the logs sequentially and expects them to be in order.
- Post each web log to category. I created a temporary category called Temp. This will force Radio to add the web log to it’s database.
- Open Radio, the application. From the Window menu, select weblogData.root
- Using the Radio outliner, open the last X entries where X is the number of entries you want to back date. Double click on the entry (eg. 000000064).
- Change the when field to the correct date
- File->Save to save weblogData.root
- Now you need to force Radio to regenerate the pages. Go back to each weblog and move it from the Temp category to the category you want it to be in. This forces Radio to rewrite the calendar, archive, and home page for that category.
- Go back to Radio. Select Radio->Publish->Entire Website (forces entire web site to be regenerated)
If the steps worked correctly, you should have been able to backdate your posts.