My mom (Grandma Chang) arrived yesterday to help babysit Katherine this week while Patty is on vacation. The great thing about having grandmothers visit is that they sometimes see very obvious things that you may have missed. For instance, she pointed out today the presence of something fairly hard under Katherine’s bottom right gum. Also, when I gave Katherine my finger, she stuck it directly in her mouth and chomped down on it. Katherine is really teething, a breakthrough seems fairly imminent though we don’t really know for sure. This may help to explain why she hasn’t been sleeping thru the last several nights or it may just be her 4 months shots bothering her.
Mom also brought along four rolls of slide film or “color transparencies” from when we were little kids. Steve and I whipped out the light table, blew the dust off the slides, scanned and adjusted the pictures to get rid of fingerprints and dirt. If you look closely – or not so closely – it’s fairly obvious that Katherine looks a lot like her Aunt Sharon! She’s got Sharon’s eyes, and unfortunately my baby double-chin. We’ve also noticed that Katherine is developing red highlights in her hair (Steve’s happy), which is pretty cool considering that red hair is a totally recessive gene.