Christine’s mom has been staying with us since Monday. She’s been helping us take care of Katherine while our nanny Patty is on vacation. She’s been doing a great job and has really enjoyed spending some quality time with her granddaughter Katherine.
On Friday, my parents arrived in town. Christine’s mom leaves Saturday night and my mom will be taking care of Katherine until Patty returns on Wednesday. My dad is spending the weekend and flying back Sunday night. It’s great to have the extended family around. Katherine is the center of attention and the house is bustling with activity. There is no shortage for helping hands to hold Katherine while Christine and I catch up on chores.
Friday night, Kevin and Amy joined my parents and Christine’s mom for dinner. Steve threw together some hamburgers and we sat around the kitchen table for dinner. Earlier in the week, Steve broke one of the kitchen chairs and was paranoid that Mrs. Chang despite being light as a feather would re-break it and fall back through the glass door taking Katherine along for the ride. A quick chair change solved this problem.
After dinner, we all gave Katherine a bath. Katherine loves taking a bath, kicking her rubber duckies with her tiny feet. We showed everyone all of the bath entertainment devices we have: purple octopus, 4 yellow duckies, foam letters, and the highlight: bubbles. Christine whipped out the Gymboree bubbles and proceeded to fill the bathroom full of bubbles. Kevin and Katherine had the time of their lives. Kevin was impressed with the number of bubbles and that they stayed in the air for so long. Popping the bubbles turned out to be just as fun as watching them float around.
After Katherine’s bath, we all went up to the entertainment room to hang out. Steve blew up the Aero bed for Mrs. Chang to sleep on and Kevin proceeded to jump on it as a trampoline. Kevin had a great time jumping on the Aero bed and he demonstrated an uncanny coordination. There were several instances that we thought he was going to go careening off the bed into the couch or wall but he recovered his balance in the nick of time. Kevin also liked doing somersaults on the bed with the help of Amy and Steve to push him over the top.
Bisco has been itching himself due to a skin irritation. We put a cone on his head so he couldn’t continue to itch himself and irritate his skin some more. Everyone felt so sorry for Bisco, especially Kevin. Kevin called Bisco “cone head”. Kevin would stick his head in front of Bisco and pet his nose. Every time Kevin pet Bisco’s nose, Bisco would lick Kevin’s hand. Kevin started to imitate Bisco by sticking his tongue out too.
Soon, it was time for Kevin’s bath. Amy used our bath tub to give Kevin a bath so she could put him directly to sleep when they got home. Steve finished cleaning up after dinner and Christine moved downstairs to finish up her OneNote deck. She has an executive presentation next week and this was the best time for her to finish it up so the team could review before the meeting.
Everyone is coming over Saturday night to get together and celebrate the birthdays of Mrs. Chang and Aunt Pat. It should be a full house. We’re off to run some errands and to the grocery store to pick up fixings for Pot Roast.