Happy Easter! It was an early Easter rising for our family this morning. Katherine woke up every 2-3 hours last night, and decided that she was not going back to bed at 5:30AM. Christine fed Katherine and played with her until 7:30 at which point both of them passed out due to exhaustion. Steve, in his never ending quest to ship Port Magic, was up trying to fix yet another “showstopper bug” this morning. Finally, we got around, headed to the Sarins and had a wonderful Easter brunch in sunny 70 degree weather.
Other noteworthy events today: we went shopping and for a long walk with Bisco. Katherine tried avocado again tonight – made a big thicker this time – and made faces at her food. She doesn’t seem to be too keen on avocado unlike her parents and Bisco who has learned to park himself under the high chair. We also bought a new 6+ month Fisher Price toy; it consists of different shaped plastic building blocks (triangles, circle, square) that can be stuffed thru same shaped holes into a plastic drum. This is the first time Katherine has played with toys in a container, and she had a good time knawing at the blocks and kicking the drum.
Katherine has also learned to sit up without any help at all! This has opened up a whole new world for playing and interacting. She occasionally keels over to her side (whoa!) or will fly backwards and bonk her head on the carpet. But, all in all, she’s gaining her balance and starting to enjoy her 6+ month toys.