More New Experiences
We’ve been reading a book titled “Super Baby Food” that has detailed instructions on how to make baby food. Thus far, we’ve followed instructions for feeding rice cereal, avocado and banana. Rice cereal has remained a steady favorite. Avocado is not, although when paired with rice cereal, Katherine will eat it. While Katherine loves bananas, they do not love her. We’ve found that her movements slow after a meal of bananas. So, this Saturday, we tried something new. Christine made a batch of pureed sweet potatoes and steamed pear puree. Katherine not only ate 2 tablespoons on sweet potatoes, but started to make noises indicating she wanted more. Today, she ate all of her potatoes and a little avocado on the side. Sweet potato ended up everywhere – on her face, in her hair, on her PJs….She also *loves* to drink from water glasses (if they have ice, that’s a bonus). Invariably she’ll grab the glass and tip water in her mouth, at which point most of the water will dribble down her chin. It’s hilarious.
We also took Katherine to a fabric store today where we purchased swatches of fabrics for her to feel. Unfortunately, between this trip and a walk around the neighborhood, she slept very little today (1.25 hrs) and resisted all efforts to nap. Steve placed her in her crib, to find her trying to crawl up the bumpers. Christine also found Katherine on her tummy several times this weekend. It’s time for the bumpers to go.
Steve also leveled the Britax Roundabout convertible car seats in our car using styrofoam floatees from babysrus, a trick advocated by several baby car seat web sites. She now sits nice and level in her seat and doesn’t fall as far forward when she sleeps in her car seat.