Dad’s been working really hard the last couple of weeks shipping Pure Networks’ first product Port Magic. Katherine would watch dad type on the keyboard and stare at the monitor. It was clear to dad that she understood typing on the keyboard created the movement in the monitor. Katherine thought this was a lot of fun, especially when dad would grab the keyboard to prevent Katherine from doing something serious to the PC.
Katherine is Growing Up
I’ve been really busy for the last couple of weeks so I haven’t contributed to the weblog very much. Here’s a brief synopsis of Katherine’s growth over the last couple of weeks. Katherine is intensely interested in the world around here. She struggles to stay awake on the weekend and at night because she just wants to play. She gets herself so worked up that she cannot fall asleep. And she’s so loud. I used to be able to wake up at 1A, change her diaper and get her back to sleep while remaining in a semi-asleep stupor. These nights are over. Katherine screams at the top of her lungs when she’s being changed so I’m wide awake by the time I get her back to sleep.
Christine and I call Katherine “swivel-head” as she now leans back and swivels her head from one side to another to check out her surroundings. It’s fun to watch her take interest in one noise and then be distracted by mom or dad talking in the opposite direction. She’s absorbing her surroundings like a sponge. Bisco has become a great source of entertainment for Katherine. When Bisco comes near, she wants to grab his fur and stick it in her mouth.