This past Friday, Patty informed us that Katherine’s first tooth was about to appear. Sure enough, today Steve felt Katherine’s lower right front tooth. Christine confirmed that a small point of her tooth had poked through. Katherine had been pretty cranky for a few days prior to this, stuffing her hand (and anything else she could get her hands on) in her mouth and crying occasionally. We think this had been due to teething. Once the tooth appeared, she seemed much more cheerful this afternoon, taking an hour and forty minute nap and then smiling thru dinner and the first part of the Alias season finale.
Katherine reached one other key milestone on Friday. She reached from a seated position to the bars of her gym and pulled herself to her feet. She has been trying to do this in her bath as well – putting her hands on both side of the bath and trying to leverage herself up. We also found her in her crib, pulling herself up her bumper and grasping her crib bars. So, today we removed her crib bumpers and also lowered her crib mattress one notch. We also removed the dangling part of her Tiny Love mobile.
This was a big day for Katherine!