Steve and I took Katherine to her first baseball game this past Wednesday. Since the Mariners were playing the Yankees (my home team), we took the opportunity to have Katherine try out her new Yankees hat which our friend Kristina had given her. Katherine was a bit puzzled by the hat and moved it to one side of her head (see picture).
We made it to the game and Steve carried Katherine into the ballpark with the Baby Bjorn. She seemed cheerful and loved the walk. As soon as we reached our seats though, she started to cry and every time the crowd roared or the announcer spoke, she would cry even more. The ballpark was clearly too loud even with earplugs and Steve walked Katherine around Safeco while I watched an inning or two of baseball. During the top of the fifth, we decided to leave, and I carried Katherine out of the park holding her in my arms.
If you’ve ever been to Safeco field, you know about the railroad tracks that Burlington Railroad uses. Well, I tripped over the tracks and fell face first holding Katherine who was facing me, squeezing her tight and landing on top of her. I must have broken the fall with my hands and shoulder, because they are still pretty sore. Katherine cried for a minute but seemed fine otherwise as we rushed back to the car.
We took her immediately to Children’s Hospital in Seattle, where the nice nurses, a resident and then a doctor checked her out and pronounced her fine. The pictures of her smiling with her wristband are all before the resident appeared, at which point she cried and cried during her examination. The resident checked her head for any swelling and her body for abrasions or bruising. Then he checked her ears, eyes and limbs as well as listened to her breathing using his stethoscope. I’m not really sure how he heard anything since she was really crying by this point. (This was the first time that we’ve noticed full-blown stranger anxiety.)
We ended up getting home by 11:30P. Katherine was exhausted and we were just thankful that our Seattle adventure was over. Katherine spent the night with us in our room, and we checked her out every several hours per the doctor’s instructions to make sure she was OK.
PS – if that weren’t enough for one day, Katherine’s second tooth started to appear. It’s also on the bottom, but two teeth back from her right bottom front tooth (not a front tooth)!