On Thursday night, we hosted PEPS at our house. It was “Guys Night Out” so all of the guys (Frank, Rod, Dave, and I) went out to grab a beer while the mothers chatted. Hilary and Frank’s daughter, Francesca, is a little older than Katherine. Before we left for beers, Katherine and Francesca shared toys and played together.
Katherine’s Six Month Doctor’s Appt
On Friday, Katherine had her six month appointment. She measured 27.25 inches and weighed 16 pounds 2 ounces. This puts her in the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight. Before the doctor came in, Katherine played on the bed tearing the butcher paper and hamming it up for Steve, Christine and Patty. The doctor then came in and she whimpered and cried – we’re pretty sure she is starting to experience stranger anxiety.
Given her recent adventure in Seattle, the pediatrician checked her out and said she looked fine. As with the last two doctor’s appointments Katherine got a round of shots – two in each leg. With the first shot she started to cry and calmed down after nursing for a minute or so.
Katherine has slept soundly since Friday – sleeping 10-11 hours Friday, Saturday night. She was a bit cranky Friday evening when we took her and Christine’s friend Sueling to dinner, but otherwise she has been fine.