Katherine has her First Sleepover
We played in our annual PuzzleHunt contest with friends and co-workers this weekend. As part of this contest, we pulled an all nighter, and Patty spent Saturday evening at the house with Katherine. Katherine and Patty stopped by on Saturday to say hi and for Katherine to get a quick snack. Christine drove home briefly Saturday evening to put Katherine to sleep for night. While we missed Katherine terribly during the weekend, it was nice to spend time with friends pursuing the type of activities we used to engage in prior to having Katherine. It’ll be good to spend extended time with her this coming extended weekend.
Katherine stands up (with a little help)
We discovered this past Friday that Katherine can now pull herself up from sitting to standing position. We took turns holding on to her hands, and she would push down on our hands and wobbly pull herself to a standing position. Although she had been pulling herself up lately, we had been helping her a little bit. For the first time, she did it on her own successfully, and spent the remaining portion of the evening and next morning practicing her new skill. She was extremely excited. ๐