Katherine can stand with some assistance. This assistance can be her parent’s hands or a stable object like the learning table. It’s very rewarding to watch Katherine try very hard to learn new skills and want to practice them. You can see the determined look on her face in several of the pictures. Christine and I don’t know where she got this from :).
If we hold out our hands she will use them to pull herself up. Once she’s up she can stand for quite a while (several minutes) holding on to us or the learning table. She’s also learned how to sit down from a standing position. She just sits down, cushioned by her diaper.
Katherine Sits Up in Her Crib
I put Katherine down partially asleep. We’ve been trying hard to put her down when she’s drowsy but not asleep. We want her to learn to soothe herself and fall asleep on her own. Sometimes this works and sometimes she ends up crying. This was one of those crying times. I climb the stairs and look in on her. Lo and behold she’s sitting up in her crib. I was so amazed and called Christine over to take a look. Katherine had used the railings to pull herself up to a sitting position.
When Katherine learns a new skill she wants to practice and practice it. Since sitting up in her crib, she’s tried to repeat her performance with no success. She’s ended up tossing herself around her crib trying to sit up.
Giggling Sit Ups
Katherine giggles when Dad does sit ups. I put lean her on my knees and do sit ups. Katherine giggles every time I come up. To her it’s a game of peek-a-boo. To Dad it’s a great excuse to get in some sit ups (maybe Katherine knows this too).
Katherine is Teething Again
Katherine has her first tooth and another one is on the way. The symptoms are she’s drooling up a storm and a bit cranky. These are sure signs that another tooth is on the way.