Katherine, Christine and I went to our weekly PEPs meeting at the house of Jenny and Nathan Schaffer. Every week, it’s amazing to see how quickly the kids are growing up. This week Katherine shared toys with Blakely and Zach. They’re not quite old enough to play together but the kids find each other very interesting. Being proud parents, Christine and I showed the group that Katherine can walk now with assistance. Katherine’s the second oldest kid so we’re a what’s next preview for the rest of the parents.
One of the highlights of the evening was Katherine’s fascination with Zach’s feet. Katherine wanted desperately to put Zach’s foot in her mouth. Possible foot fetish or just something soft to chew on?
Katherine did much better this week. Last week was Ladies Night Out so all of the dads took care of the kids while the moms had dinner at Spazos. Unfortunately, dad didn’t check the nanny log before leaving. It turns out Katherine only got 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon instead of her usual 2 hours. Dad was doomed from the start. Katherine had a complete melt down and dad had to leave early.