Over the weekend, Christine and I bought a Kelty Summit Backpack. This allows us to carry Katherine on our back for extended periods of time. Katherine loves the ability to see everything from our eye level. We tried it out with a trip to Molbak’s, a great nursery in downtown Woodinville. We cruised around Molbak’s with Katherine in the backpack and bought some tomatoes, squash, and peppers for our garden. Although Katherine’s too young now, we wanted to start planting an annual garden as a family experience. After 15 minutes or so, Katherine fell asleep in the backpack. This is great news for us because Katherine hasn’t been able to sleep in the Kelty Joyrider jogger stroller we bought.
Katherine Eats Yogurt
This was a tough week in the BushChang household as the entire family caught a cold. Normally when you get a cold you want to sleep it off but with a child these plans go out the window. You opportunity to sleep is when she sleeps and when she’s sick she doesn’t sleep much during the night. Needless to say, Christine and I were very tired from Monday to Thursday as we were fighting a cold and Katherine was a bit cranky due to her cold. Katherine had a running nose and congestion. She would sneeze and green snot would come flying out. It was like a snot shooting range. You heard the sneeze and the snot would hang from her nose like a slinky or be projectiled onto your shirt. Life with kids.
Despite being handicapped with a cold, Katherine learned a lot of new things this week. First of all, she’s got the assisted walking thing down cold. You hold her fingers and she walks across the room. She loves walking and will reach up her hands to signal you that she wants to walk around. It’s so cool to see your kid learn new things and be able to repeat it over and over again until they’re experts.
According to Patty, Katherine learned how to blow kisses to people. She puckers up her lip and makes a smacking sound. Christine and I have yet to see this new behavior though we heard it once. She’s also blowing raspberries a lot. She must be teething again because she’s drooling up a storm (baby Niagara Falls). She soaks a bib after about an hour. Christine and I had to stock up on bibs because we couldn’t wash them fast enough.
Beautiful Weather
The last couple of days have been sunny and warm. We’ve spent our early evenings on the deck talking and watching Katherine play. I snapped a few pictures of Katherine and Mom in the beautiful dusk light.
PEPS Meltdown
On Thursday, we hosted PEPs at our house. This is the second to last meeting of our group. We’re going to miss the last meeting as we will all be in Fullerton visiting my parents. We’re going to continue meeting after PEPs officially ends. We really like our PEPs group.
Christine and I arrived home shortly before 6P to discover that Katherine hadn’t taken our full complement of naps today. Usually this results in a challenging time getting her to go to bed as she battles us to stay awake and be social despite being completely exhausted. Unfortunately, tonight was an extreme case. She basically melted down. We tried to get her to take a nap before everyone arrived but she would have nothing to do with it. She started crying and became almost hysterical. Nothing we could do would soothe her. We walked her around, bathed her, breastfeed her, and laid down next to her. Usually one of these tricks works but not this time. She basically screamed for over an hour. Finally, Steve took her for a walk outside that calmed her down. She didn’t fall asleep but was now calm enough for Christine to breastfeed her and get her to fall asleep. Walking with Katherine is a new tool for us to add to our tool belt but we don’t want to go through another night like tonight anytime soon. We’re just exhausted and it’s so hard to hear your kid scream in tears and not be able to soothe her.
The same thing happened two weeks ago at the Ladies Night Out PEPs event. We need to chat with Patty to see if there is anything special about Katherine’s Thursday routine that might cause this behavior.