We went to North Bend to the Microsoft Company picnic today – the first time for both Steve and me (believe it or not!) We wheeled Katherine around in her jogger. She hung out with some friends and soaked in all the sights. Key milestones:
- Katherine ate a small slice of watermelon, all the way down to the rind. Dad also gave her a few licks of popsicles to cool her down. She wasn’t sure what to make of the artificial flavoring and coloring. ๐
- She watched her friend Audrey bounce around in an inflatable thing. Katherine stood on a ledge outside, clinging on to netting and squealing with excitement.
- She tried pushing a plastic lawnmower, which wasn’t quite stable enough for her.
- And….she rode on a horse for the first time! Steve held her on the saddle while the horse plodded around the ring.