Today, Katherine reached a real milestone with her verbal skills. As we bathed and put her in her jammies, she said “babababa” repeatedly. Steve started to say “dadada” until I informed him that “ba ba” means Dad in Madarin. Wouldn’t you know that her first word would be in Chinese! Anyway, she practiced “ba ba” all the way to bed, which was just great.
She’s also been saying “wah ah wah ah” with her hands clutched together in front of her mouth. She moves her hands back and forth to make a different sound. She’s been experimenting with her hands and all sorts of toys to create new sounds.
Getting Katherine to Sleep
We re-introduced Katherine to the Farber method starting this Saturday after a several week break. She cried hard Saturday night for a few minutes, but since then has settled to bed with barely a peep. I have to say that this method works really, really well. Steve also lowered her crib all the way to the bottom, which hasn’t made much of any difference in her ability to stand up and clutch the railings. ๐
I think Katherine may be going through a growth spurt. She’s been sleeping more regularly during the day, about 2.5 to 3 hours a day. On Sunday, she napped 4 hours! Hopefully, this phase sticks for a while and we have fewer issues getting her to nap during the day.