Getting in the Swing of Halloween
It was a busy weekend, between a couple get togethers, our haircuts in Seattle and then dinner out. Our weekend started with dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We wanted to celebrate good news for Steve’s company. Katherine made a couple new friends at the restaurants, who said hello and she said hello back! After a good nights sleep, we headed out to Bellevue for my Saturday workout and then a trip to a Mercer Island bookstore. They feature a storyteller every Saturday. And, although, Katherine was a bit young for the stories, she had a great time “participating” in the story. We then headed over to our haircuts, to lunch at a nearby deli and then home for the afternoon. After a quick nap, we took Katherine to her first ever Halloween party at our friends’ house – where she was fairly confounded by everyone’s Halloween costumes. Katherine was a good sport and wore her black cat costume all evening. ๐
This morning we drove around Union Hill looking at property and then went to a get together with our PEPs group. It was a blast seeing all the babies crawling around. Katherine was the only baby walking, so our challenge was making sure that she didn’t tromp on the other babies. We then came home and had a nice dinner catching up with family. Between seeing family and friends and daylight savings time, Katherine was beat and readily fell asleep.
More New Words
Katherine is continuing to expand her vocabulary. We’ve been pointing at our coffee maker and saying “Hot.” Well, a couple mornings ago, she said “Haaat.” This morning we let her touch the coffee cup and she touched it briefly and took her hand away just like Steve. She has also said “Baaaa” for Ball and “Bis” for Bisco (we think). She talks non-stop sometimes – she’s clearly talking to herself and us!
Kitchen Drawer
Katherine has her own drawer in the kitchen full of cups, bowls and such. She loves opening the drawer, bending over and flinging everything to the floor. She now tries to open other drawers – the one above and our bathroom drawer! We’ve got to get our cabinet locks installed…