We had a wonderful weekend with Katherine. We got up at the crack of dawn on Saturday. Katherine’s been getting up earlier and earlier these days. We suspect that she’s trying to spend more time with us before we go to work in the mornings. ๐ Anyway, at 5:45AM she managed to wake me up. Steve took duty until I got around a bit later, and we had a nice time playing until I headed off to the gym. Katherine took over a 2 hour nap! Afterwards, we did a variety of errands from getting dog food, people food, a new shower part and generally catching up from last week. Katherine finally dozed off in the car, we made dinner, got Katherine to bed and watched a fun movie – the Italian Job.
Along with Katherine and Patty, Steve’s been fighting a bad cold. He’s been hacking away and we were determined to stay home today and get some rest. This is especially critical since he’s got yet another business trip this week. So, we stayed indoors (windy, rainy day!), played, baked cookies and had some friends over in the afternoon. Katherine played with her older buddies, Derek and Adam, and had a good dinner. She’s now snoozing away, and I expect that she’ll be back up for a snack in a couple hours.
Katherine and Bisco
They are becoming fast friends. Katherine regularly visits the bag by the door to get Bisco’s leash. She loves it when we put the leash on Bisco. She will then stand or sit next to him and sometimes pet him as well. Before dinner, I also caught Katherine giving Bisco a piece of bread that was supposed to tide her over to dinner. I gave her a small piece; she wobbled around the corner to the family room, extended her arm to Bisco giving him the bread! She also realizes that he loves her orange ball. Steve would give her the ball, and she would walk to the couch and hand Bisco the ball!
Sesame Street
To date, Katherine has shown no interest in TV whatsoever, including the Baby Blah series. This afternoon while she played in the TV room, we popped in a Sesame Street DVD with Ernie teaching the 123’s with lots of music and dancing (think Elmo in metallic pants). Katherine was entranced for 5 whole minutes. She sat on Steve’s lap and watched the DVD until she got bored and headed back to her toys. While we’re pretty happy that she’s not too attached to TV, it’s good to know that she has an attention span when she wants to focus on something.
Eating Everyday Food
Katherine is getting accustomed to eating the same food that Steve and I eat. She ate a couple wontons last night – stuffing and peel. Tonight, we made her tofu and spinach in soup stock and she wolfed it down. We also gave her egg whites for the first time today in the form of scrambled egg. She tentatively ate the first bite. I then spread the egg on her tray and she two fisted it a lot of it into her mouth. No allergic reactions so far.
Katherine now loves to give things to me or Steve. It may be a book, or a Lego or her Little People or whatever. We say “Thanks” and I think it’s finally taking hold. Derek played with Katherine, following her around and picking up her bowls and handing them back to her. I would ask Katherine “what do you say?” and she would say “Tanks.”
Little People
Katherine loves the Little People she got for her birthday. Quick explanation: it’s a line of Fisher Price toys with people who fit in buses, go to zoos (along with Little People Animals) and go to the amusement park. She carries this yellow plastic bus all over the family room. If it’s not the bus, she’s got an animal or person in her hand…What’s pretty exciting is that she’s finally got the hang of cleanup or putting toys in something. So, she puts almost anything in her bus and her Lego bin, whether it fits or not. ๐
I also played with her today and showed her how to roll her Little Person wheelchair seat into the back of the bus thru the rear door. She imitated me. How cool is that?