Moving at the Speed of Katherine
Taking pictures with our Canon Elph has become very difficult. The lag between pressing the button and having the picture taken can take up to say a second. In that period of time, Katherine has moved on to some other activity, and we’ve missed the picture.
Katherine is learning to cry to get our attention – either to get her milk cup or to have us pick her up. She will “wahhh wahhh” and we basically try to determine what she is saying. She’s also interacting with us and problem solving. Today, she played with her shape blocks and carried them one by one to Steve. As she handed to Steve, she would say “Dad!” or “Da Da!” and give us a big smile!
It’s so fun to see Katherine grow up and start interacting with us. Mom and Dad take turns trying to make her laugh and exposing her to new sights, sounds, and experiences.