Katherine was on a tear this week. We bought her a medium Patrick the Puppy from Zany Brainy last weekend, during their going out of business sale. We’d been eyeing Patrick for years and decided now was the time to buy since this was likely our last chance. Katherine loves Patrick. She hugs him regularly, laying her little cheek next to him. She also learned that she can fall into him, so she now flings herself onto Patrick. Literally, she’ll walk towards him and fall straight into him. As Steve said, Bisco is now even further down in the food chain, after Patrick and Spanish-speaking Elmo. ๐
She and Steve play hide and seek now with each other. Steve hides in the nursery and she’ll walk as fast as she can after him. It’s very cute. When she sees him, we say Hurray and raise our arms. She raised her arms sometimes too.
Katherine has moved two naps a day to one pretty regularly now. This past week she would fall asleep around 11:30A to 12:30P for an hour and a half. To make up for this, she sleeps a bit longer and doesn’t wake up anymore at 6:30A in the morning.
No Longer the Screamer – Just Peas Please
We braved the local mall salad restaurant yesterday. Unlike our previous experience, Katherine was virtually sedate by comparison. She sat relatively quietly in her high chair, occasionally chirping at us. No screaming at all. That said, she did manage to make a mess still (sigh), which we tried to clean up before we left. She ate a few foods like Mac and Cheese, plain pasta, white beans and green peas. She ate probably a third of a cup of green peas. I put a few down and noticed that Katherine picked them out and then would stuff them into her mouth as quickly as possible. Steve and I went back to the salad bar twice more to get peas before she was full.
I bought and defrosted some peas last night to see if it was a fluke – nope. She ate even more peas, delicately picking them up with her pincer grasp and putting them in her mouth. Wow!
Fascination with Crayons
We went to a holiday tea yesterday afternoon, and Katherine got to watch her older friends play with PlayDoh and draw with Crayons. I think Katherine managed to ingest both. Thankfully, both are non-toxic. Steven and I took turns watching her, and Katherine went everywhere. She would wander down the hallway, check out the holiday boxes and walk after her friend Audrey on her trike. The kids watched a Rudolph video, and Katherine stayed on the sofa for maybe a minute. While the kids were watching, she shook the crayon container, picked them up and carried crayons all over the room. She had such a wonderful time that I took out our crayons at home. She seemed to get the concept of drawing, but she was more interested in eating the crayons. We’ll try again next month.
Tickle Katherine
Katherine and I have a new game. We play this little piggy, and when we get to the last toe, I tickle her tummy. She loves it, and has started to play with her other toes when I recite the rhyme. Patty and I have been reading “where’s baby’s belly button” and showing her nose, etc. for the last several months. I ask her periodically to point to her nose. We’re still not there yet, but maybe it will happen soon.
Christmas Shopping
Katherine was very patient with us this weekend. We probably shopped 6 or 7 hours for gifts. She would sit in the shopping cart and look around. Every once in while, we’d let her walk around for a bit if things weren’t too crazy. She really enjoyed exploring a local children’s bookstore in Issaquah. The play area with the Christmas tree, cushions and stuffed animals were soooo interesting. She spent quite a bit of time investigating while I talked with the owner. Thankfully, she didn’t cause any damage. ๐ We have two more gifts to buy and then we’re DONE! This was also an exciting weekend for shopping, because we turned Katherine’s car seat forwards. Funny enough our first or second trip out she fell asleep!