Zoom Zoom!
Katherine loves to explore our closet when we leave the door open. This week she came out with a big shoe box which she had been putting toys in. Sometime this week, I got out of the shower to find her sitting in the shoe box with Steve pushing her around the room. We got big grins and squeals when Steve zipped her down the hallway. Only minor incident was a rollover – when they tried to corner quickly and the box tipped over.
This is now a regular activity in the mornings. Katherine climbs in, we make vroom vroom noises and we push her down the hallway. The box is still holding up – but won’t last too long at this rate. ๐
Field Trip with the Parents
Over the holidays, I had bought a AquaZoo pass which allows parents and children to visit the Seattle aquarium and zoo unlimited times during the year. We took advantage of our pass today and visited the Aquarium as soon as it opened this morning. Katherine was pretty tired to begin with, but perked up when Steve let her touch a starfish. She was initially a bit scared to go into the dark fish exhibits but once she touched the glass she seemed more comfortable looking at the fish. The otters and seals were probably the biggest hit – we were outside and she just stared as they cavorted around. We left after 40 minutes or so and headed up to Queen Anne to have lunch with the LeVines.
Katherine was really beat, but we didn’t expect her to fall asleep with me and Steve talking in the car after only a few minutes. We drove only 5 minutes or so up to Queen Anne, found parking and Katherine was in a deep sleep. Steve picked her up, thinking eventually she would wake up. We walked to a diner and then to another with our friends. Katherine slept in Steve’s arms the entire time. She finally woke up as we sat down for brunch. ๐
Katherine’s First Molar
Earlier this week, Katherine had been waking up a couple times a night crying very hard. We figured that she was hungry and wanted her formula. Well, we were mistaken! Her 9th tooth, a molar on her right, lower side of her mouth came in last Wednesday night. I came home to find Patty with a book, so she could point to the tooth (as Katherine didn’t want to open her mouth for us). According to the book, this molar typically comes in at 18 months and is the fourth tooth to come in that side of her mouth (I think she skipped the third tooth, which would be next to her bottom right most tooth.)
The irony is that Steve, for once, was not taking care of Katherine himself that night. He had been traveling again for work, and I had been taking care of Katherine both Tuesday and Wednesday night. She was quite unhappy Wednesday night, as the tooth had partially come in. Her gums were very swollen. We should have known that something was up. For several days, she would chew her food and cry out in pain. We thought that perhaps she was biting her cheek or her lip. Clearly, the tooth hurt as she chewed. Poor Katherine!
This past week, Katherine has been shaking her head more and more. For instance, I asked her this morning “can you nod your head” and she shook it back and forth to say no! I also asked her to stop feeding Bisco from her high chair. Afterwards, she shook her head vociferously as if to say “I shouldn’t feed Bisco.” Patty says that Katherine very rarely nods her head, but has said “yes.” I guess we’re still waiting to hear it.
Growth Spurt & Matching Bruises
Katherine has been on a tear growing lately. Her 18 month Nordstrom shirts fit almost exactly, her 18 month PJs just zip up and her 24 month Zutano pants keep riding up. Thankfully, a lot of stores have sales this month. We visited Nordstrom and Gymboree -and I’ve bought a few more 18-24 outfits that should take her through Spring.
She’s also getting very heavy. We’re not sure how much she weighs (have to make a pediatrician appt for 15 months), but we can’t hold her very long.
While Katherine is fairly coordinated now, she loves to climb and explore. Today her adventures resulted in two bruises, on both sides of her face! Steve was playing with Katherine at Nordstrom as I shopped for her clothes. She was climbing a stool around a glass display, and next thing I knew Katherine was crying and Steve was holding her. She had slipped somehow and gotten a scrape and small bruise (half a dime) on her cheek. I also took the opportunity today to put her 12 month and summer clothes away in the closet. As I was organizing her clothes, I heard Katherine cry again from the bathroom where Steve was filling the bathtub. Apparently, she was reaching for a book next to the tub, slipped and got a very small bruise on her other cheek! I don’t think these experiences deterred her at all. Before bedtime, she must have climbed up a stool to our couch and then back down at least half a dozen times. It’s a real challenge keeping an eye on her, letting her explore but making sure she doesn’t get into any accidents.