Our Little Musician
I knew it. Katherine has real musical talent. ๐
We were playing tonight before bath. She found her little plastic bag with her two Kindermusik harmonicas. I took one out and started blowing. Katherine got inspired, picked up the second and started to play!
Really, she was breathing in and out, but it was enough to make noise and get Bisco to sing. Katherine laughed, she bounced around and we had a wonderful time. Steve managed to get this on tape.
Katherine also played with her bath crayons for the first time tonight. She got the hang of it pretty quickly and by the end of her bath she had blue all over her foam pictures.
15th Month Checkup
I must have been really tired because I forgot to mention Katherine’s 15 month appt this past Tuesday. It was brief but we covered the major points. She’s still in the 90th percentile for height – 32″ and now in the 10th percentile for weight – 20.6 lbs. Her head is in the 77th percentile at 47 cm. So, she’s a tall skinny big-headed girl and definitely has Steve’s genes.
I can’t believe she’s not even 21 lbs yet! She feels a lot heavier, but it may be just psychological.
Katherine got two shots in the arm. :< But, she got to pick a nice big Pooh sticker on her way out and that seemed to cheer her up. I think between the shots and the molar and Steve traveling, she’s had a tough week.
Steve and I are planning to stay home on Monday and Tuesday to take care of Katherine.