Well, its been over a month since we’ve updated the blog, for good and not so good reason. Steve has been traveling a lot. I’ve been working a lot. Between our work and family visitors, it’s been a busy month. Katherine has progressed from an active toddler to an expressive, curious, little girl.
One of her newest obsessions is reading book after book next to her new magazine rack outside her room. We installed the rack when Sharon and Jamey visited. Once Katherine figured out that her favorite books were easily viewable and reachable in the rack, she wouldn’t go to sleep without a 10-20 minute book reading session. Her favorite books are How do dinosaurs get well soon, farm animals, the wheels on the bus and choo choo train. She will literally hand us the same book over and over again – I must have read the dinosaur book at least 6 or 8 times one night. It’s very endearing – she will drop the book in our lap, turn around and plunk herself down to face the book. These books are getting well loved, very crinkled and taped.
Katherine is a big girl now in the kitchen. She stands in her Learning Tower and entertains herself while we make her meals and work in the kitchen. Standing on the Tower, she can reach her toys on the counter. Often she will snack on cereal in her little bowl – or eat from our bowls too! The Learning Tower is just one of her furniture items. She also sits in her blue Pottery Barn chair in the family room (which no one else can sit in) and her white table/chair set from Ikea upstairs. She’s gotten very mobile, able to scramble in and out of her furniture without any issues or concerns. She’s also got a big shopping cart from Pottery Barn that she pushes around with her friends inside. ๐
She’s getting very expressive as well. Besides saying “no no no” she can now do a full body nod – it consists of her bowing her head and her shoulders in an attempt to say “yes.” For grandma, she even said “phease” – very quietly or now she says “ysss”. Katherine can bounce up and down with music, and even lift one leg to do the hokey pokey with elmo.
Her other obsession is reader rabbit, a learning company software program that we’ve installed on this laptop. She’s very familiar with all the songs and interactive elements to the program and loves to “type” on the keys. Reader Rabbit doesn’t always boot properly, and she gets very frustrated when that happens. because she’s seen us take the CD in/out, she knows how to hit the button to get the CD-ROM drive to open and shut. She also knows how to boot the laptop – hitting the big silver button. Unfortunately, she gets a bit over enthused and hits it consecutively causing the laptop to start then stop then start the stop…
It’s getting late and we’ve got a big day tomorrow. We’re going to buy Katherine her own potty! So, I’ll sign off now – but add pictures from our fun-filled day at the park, shopping mall, vet, grocery store tomorrow.