This weekend was grueling. My theory is that we hadn’t spent a weekend together for 2 weeks, and Katherine was pushing the limits with us. What we learned tonight was more predictable. Her top incisors (the ones that look like fangs and that are supposed to come in second behind the front teeth) are breaking thru. The top right incisor is peeking through and we can see the top left almost breaking through. I guess that could explain the feistiness this weekend. She now has her first four molars, her top and bottom front teeth – twelve going on fourteen.
This morning, Steve wanted to head over to Trilogy to see our little plot of land. Katherine and I stayed in the car – finally we got on our way and we headed down the hill to a local park just a couple miles away. This park is remarkable because they have farm animals that volunteer teens take care of. We got to the park, with Katherine walking tentatively on the gravel to see the ducks, rooster, sheep, goat and ponies. She had a blast looking at the animals – when she was looking at the sheep she said “baaa.” Steve and I just looked at each other amazed (first time). We said hello to a pony up close and decided to head off to the store. Katherine loved splashing thru puddles on the way back to the car, running up and down the path – not wanting to leave. We tried to put her in the Volvo, and discovered a new behavior “no no no” coupled with board baby. She straightened out and refused to get in her seat. We tried to put her in and she ended up sliding right down until her head was in the seat itself. After several more attempts, we got her strapped in – and she wailed as we left the parking lot. We then took her to Target where we got her training potty, which she sits on when we’re in the bathroom. I guess that’s good news. The way she squirms, rolls and cries when we change her, it’s unclear that we’re going to be able to do this much longer.
After her nap, Steve and I got ambitious and headed out for a jog with Katherine and Bisco. Steve pushed the jogger and Bisco pulled me. We jogged a mile to Redmond Ridge to a play area where Katherine walked on a shakey bridge and went down a slide. After 10 minutes or so, she pulled the board baby routine, not wanting to leave. (Sigh) We then jogged up to Novelty Hill Road and almost made it to Trilogy. It was a lot longer walk than I anticipated, so we turned around and headed back home. Katherine chomped on cranberries and apricots all the way home. Part of the way (after she demolished a box of dried fruit), she decided that she wanted to walk herself. That slowed progress considerably. She clutched her rabbit and walked slowly along the path picking up pebbles. We managed to carry her part way, but it took us twice as long to get home.
We took Katherine to Andersen Park yesterday. It was a beautiful day and we must have spent 45 minutes there. She loves this shakey bridge that moves when you walk on it – she would take a few tentative steps holding on to the railing and then accelerate down the and the up the other side. We also swung and swung in a bucket swing and then watched Steve use a mini bulldozer to move sand. We then hopped back in the car and then dropped Bisco at the vet (infected ears due to allergy). Katherine was exhausted at this point, but gamely made it through a shopping trip at Larry’s. Katherine was perhaps her most trying yesterday afternoon – after 90 minutes I had had it. She dropped her cereal off the learning tower to the floor. She wouldn’t eat much dinner, and wouldn’t let us eat much other. We were pooped by the time she went to bed – it’s hard to believe that one cranky daughter can make us that tired. ๐
Tonight was very similar. She wouldn’t eat green beans or rice or mushrooms that I had cooked. So, Steve cooked tofu, spinach and carrots. She wouldn’t eat anything but the spinach, but stopped eating after she grabbed very hot spinach. Then an hour later, after numerous trips to the closet, I finally asked her if she wanted applesauce (big head nod). She ate the entire single serving size – what a dinner: spinach, applesauce and a little bit of bread.