Patty has started to change Katherine in the bathroom with practice potty right nearby. Katherine has taken to reading on her potty, which is very sweet. Anyway, we had a fun evening (without Dad – who is on yet another business trip), and I made a slight error in judgement. I filled one of her juice cups with highly diluted juice. She sucked down about 4 oz of water and wouldn’t let me take the juice cup away from her. Needless to say, after I stripped her for her bath, she headed for the potty with reading material. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her jump up for bubbles and then head back to the potty. By the time the bath was full, she had peed on the potty. Because the potty is so deep and made for older toddlers, she sits on the edge of the potty. I guess we need to find a smaller one, because I ended up having to disinfect the potty, the linoleum afterwards and everything around it.
Farm Animals
Katherine may not be saying much but she understands what we’re saying. I asked her tonight to point to a sheep and she stuck her little pointer right on the sheep in her bus book. She maybe got half of the animals. I’d ask her for her lion and get a hippo – but then she got the lion.
Yesterday, I was chatting with her over dinner and talking about the local farm animal park. I mentioned that we would bring Bisco next time, and I got vehement nodding as if to say we should take Bisco on our next field trip. She also understands that Bisco needs his antibiotics, because she kept pointing at them until I got out the cream cheese and fed her.