Katherine’s Traumatic Night
Katherine’s been having a rough couple nights. She’s got a runny nose and not able to sleep through the night. So, we’ve been waking up at least once or twice to hold her or drag her into our bed for the rest of the night. Tonight, she had an even rougher experience. We sat down to dinner as usual and I saw her squirm in her little booster chair. I figured she was being squirrelly, until she started crying a few minutes later. Within a few more, we’d figured that something was up. She wouldn’t stop crying for Reader Rabbit (PC program), for milk or anything she typically loves. So, Steve took her upstairs and called for assistance. Poor Katherine had gone to the bathroom, but because she had been drinking diluted orange juice, it had caused massive irration. We tried to convince her to take an oatmeal bath, but Steve ended having to get in the bath to reassure her. Actually, her skin had been burned a bit – and I had to put Cortizone and Neosporin on to make her feel better. Finally, after a bath and singing and reader rabbit, she was back to her relatively sunny self.
Learning her Animals
Katherine is learning her farm animals. She can say “baaaa” very confidently, “woo” for woof softly, “zzzz” for buzzz and occasionally “cheee” for cheep. we ask her “where is the X” and she can usually point to the animal, so this is very exciting.