Katherine loves apples – especially dried apples. We buy a brand called “Just Apples” which is essentially dried green apples – no preservatives or sweeteners added. It’s cut up into little strips and Katherine eats them by the handful. Well, tonight we went to Larrys to get some staples. Katherine as usual pushed the little shopping cart and was having a blast. She was beaming from ear to ear, adding lemons and limes to the cart. I was pushing the big cart, and occasionally I’d hear “ahhhh” with Katherine and Steve following behind. I spent some time cruising thru the frozen food section, and passed by the Just Fruit display. Katherine followed and stopped abruptly. She stared, said “abble”, selected a carton of Just Apples and put it carefully in her cart. Upon further thought, she picked it up and carried it to the big cart – just to make sure that we purchased it! Given her first success, she returned to the display and selected dried raspberries. Then, we explained that we not only have 2 cartons of apples, but also a full carton on dried berries.