I’m going to have to provide feedback to our web site provider, since I just lost my original posting. Let’s try this post again…
Katherine needs to go back to the pool! She’s been doing little froggie pushups in her bath – pushing up and down on her arms while leaning on her knees. She then leans forward and blows a bubble or two in the water. She then sits up and laughs out loud. She’s really getting the hang of being in the water and I think she’d enjoy some of our water baby exercises now. Apparently, she’s been floating on her back in her bath – so this is a good sign!
Katherine loves her ABC book. We flipped through it at least 2 times tonight, pointing to different objects. She would point at objects and we’d say the word. Occasionally, she would say the word too. Unprompted, we got “abble” and “egh.” Once we said the word, we got “babee” and “dohl” for doll. This morning, she grabbed Patty’s house key and said “dohr” for door.
We went mountain biking on Sunday morning. We strapped Katherine into her Chariot (it’s got a neck harness and seat belt) and we went careening thru a nearby park set of trails. Luckily, we put down the clear plastic cover on the Chariot, because it got covered in mud and dirt. Nevertheless, she seemed to do well – munching on raisins and asking for “agua” (e.g. Steve’s water bottle). The only time she made any sort of noise was when Steve would go down the steeper trails with wooden bars – then we’d hear “ahhh ahhh ahh” along with the bumps. I asked her this morning “Did you have fun with Daddy biking and did he go fast?” I got vigorous head nodding and smiling. I guess that means we’ll be biking again. Unfortunately, Steve’s bike gave up the ghost and two links, so Tina towed Katherine home from the park.