Our web server has been acting up, so it’s taken a while to update our blog. We had a wonderful fourth weekend. Sharon and Jamey visited and babysat Katherine so Steve and I could go to our first movie in a very, very long time. (Spiderman 2 was a great movie!) Steve and I also took an afternoon to ourselves to go shopping! It was quite the luxury.
Anyway, we visited a couple different parks last weekend – the animal park, the new park with the slide & sand. We also spent quite a bit of time at the local mall, playing with Katherine’s toys and such. The weekend was fairly uneventful, aside from neighbors blowing up massive amounts of fireworks. We walked the neighborhood before sun down, watching neighbors send up bottle rockets and massive sparklers into the air. Thankfully, Katherine was not disturbed by the noise and she even managed to sleep thru the racket that evening.
Katherine has a new hobby – she loves to paint! Patty and Katherine bought new brushes and we cracked open her water paints. Katherine was so enamored that we painted Thursday evening, Friday morning and then Saturday morning. Really, the painting process consists of Katherine dipping her brush repeatedly in water, spilling her water, dabbling her brush in the paints and then eventually putting brush to paper. We have her first painting which seems to consist of blobs of paint.
Hold Me
Katherine’s most common words seem to be “Hold me.” Steve and I are building quite the muscular strength carrying our 23-lb daughter around. She loves to sit on Steve’s shoulders and pull on his hair (ow!)
Her vocabulary is growing almost exponentially. As of today, we’ve counted almost 170 words – and I’m sure we’re missing some words from our list. We’re starting to play games like “Katherine, is that a big or little dog?” For the most part, she gets the right answer, although she said that Bisco is little. ๐
Yesterday night, we stopped at the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. We ended up having to wait for dinner and I said to Steve “we should go shop.” At that point, Katherine bent her knees, stopped and put her hands forward. She then waved them around saying “stop” (thought I said stop not shop!). We almost fell over. I knew that she had been practicing stop and go at Gymboree, but hadn’t seen her in action. We practiced walking (go) and stopping (stop!) until dinner.