Katherine is so funny. This morning, Katherine and Steve got up early. They came over to say hi, and Steve prefaced this with “be very quiet…shhh.” Well, Katherine walks over, looks at me and says (normal voice), “I see Mama, I see Mama.” After she clambers on the bed, she starts saying “Hi Dada Hi Dada” and waving at Steve. Then she peeks down at me and says “quiet…shhhh.” Of course, I’m trying not to laugh and am totally awake.
Katherine is mastering the two and three word phrase. It ranges from “please sit/open” or “see dada/b/etc” or other combinations. Her vocabulary is about 250 words, but she’s able to string them together now. She’s also learning her abc’s, which go like “aaaa bbbb seeda.” Steve and I have spent the last week saying “aaaa bbbb cccc deeee.” She would say “no ….aaaa bbbb seeda!” We try so hard not to laugh when these things happen.