OK. The plane ride wasn’t as bad as last Thanksgiving (6 hours of @#$@#$), but it was a busy flight for Katherine. She was in and out of her car seat, playing with her seat belt. Armed with several thin and friendly toddler toys, we managed to have her play with vinyl, reusable stickers (these are really cool!), a small doodle board and farm stickers.
You can always tell when a steward/ess has children or not. In this case, our stewardess blithely was handing out packets of cookies with drinks. She reached over and put three right in front of Steve and Katherine! Of course, K figured out quickly that these were “coot-kies”, Steve handed a packet to her (grrr) and she lit into the biggest cookie wafer I’ve ever seen.
Steve and I counted down the minutes until the landing, when K was transfixed with the landing. We loaded up all our stuff, got the rental minivan and headed to the grandparents where K spent time with the Bushes and Vasvarys before her nap.
Is there any one you don’t know here?
Post-nap, we concluded that we were in need of food for Katherine. So, we headed off to Stater Brothers (which is sort of the equivalent of Larry’s Market in Orange County). Little did we know that Grandma picked this store because that is where everyone, and we mean everyone, in this town shops. We ran into at least 3 people in the store, maybe more, and Grandma would exclaim “this is my grand-daughter Katherine….” and so it would go. After lugging groceries home, we BBQed dinner at home and spent the evening playing bridge with the Bushes.