This was an early morning. Steve took a run to a nearby lake and we took off to breakfast at Carrows with the great-grandparents with their friends. Katherine had a great time, mooching grapes off of new friends. After breakfast, we headed to a nearby park – Rolling Hills park – which has a great toddler park. Katherine climbed straight into the fire truck to drive! The park was so hot she couldn’t use the slide, but she had a great time nonetheless.
After the park, we headed to the Vasvarys so great-grandpa could take K and Steve for a ride in the golf cart. K loved it…she climbed directly into great-grandpa’s lap and off they went! After riding and playing with keys, we went to a nearby restaurant for lunch and then nap.
Post-nap, we went down Harbor Blvd and to California Adventure. Unlike Disneyland, CA Adventure is really a grownup’s theme park. They blare contemporary music and you can even buy a beer there! Anyway, we ate tacos at Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill and then headed to Bug’s Land while grandparents staked out prime location for watching the electrical light parade.
The downside of going on toddler rides is sometimes they take you by surprise. That certainly happened with Flik’s Flyers. We hopped on the ride without really bothering to find out what would happen and surprise! The box that we were in not only went up but out and then up and around and around. After tacos and beer, Steve was looking a bit disconcerted. But, we tried to remain upbeat and tell Katherine how much fun this ride was, despite our slight case of queasiness. We learned from our experience and watched Francis’ Ladybug Boogie (teacups). Feeling confident, we got on and felt even more queasy afterwards. K loved it and wanted more. So, after a very sedate and boring Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train, we want back on the teacups and finished on the Caterpillar Tractor.
On the way out, we ran thru the Princess Dot Puddle Park and K loved having the water splash. We then camped out to attend the parade, which was a blast. Katherine’s eyes just bugged out when she saw the first parade float. She sort of flagged a bit but picked up after the parade was over. As we walked out of the park, we hit a pretty cool store, that lets you stuff as many Mr. Potato Head parts into a box for one price. Of course, we took the store up on this offer and bought a bunch of Disney Mr. Potato Head parts.
Just to top off the night, we went to Disneyland, got some ice cream and watched people leave the park. It was a great way to end the evening.