Katherine got up early, and Steve and I debated how to spend our last day in LA. We finally decided that between the record heat and our tight schedule not to visit Disneyland. Instead we visited with both sets of grandparents. Katherine was a treat during lunch, asking to “drive drive” incessantly. We held firm, and she ended up taking a long nap before we headed to the airport. Several hours later, we arrived at LAX, where we lugged Katherine to the gate. Steve and I took turns carrying her around the lounge on “shoulders” to see “airplanes.” By the time we were about to board, Katherine was convinced that the 737 was “tata’s plane.” The flight back to Seattle reinforced the joys of toddler travel. She must have spent 30 minutes playing with our seat belt. I showed her how to open the seat belt, and she kept practicing and practicing. We eventually arrived home, way after bedtime, and she collapsed in to her crib.