Katherine has had a busy couple weekends since our vacation – including two fun birthday parties and a couple playdates. In preparation for these parties, we sang “Happy Birthday” many, many times. Katherine has sang this song to Lambey, Dad, Mom, Grandma, Mickey Mouse. She loves the song – and the part about blowing out candles and eating “cake.” (Party pics are from her friend Sid and Audrey’s parties these past few weekends.)
4 Word Sentences
It’s amazing how quickly K’s verbal skills are growing. Just this past weekend, I explained we had to look in Audrey’s garage for my keys. She nodded knowingly and said “Mama’s keys in garage.” Holy Cow!
Katherine is also showing amazing retention. We’ve been reading this book “How Dinosaurs get well soon” since she’s been a year old. At times, we’ve read it several times a night. For weeks at a stretch, we might have skipped the book. Lately we’ve noticed that she knows the words, exclaiming “Atchoo”, “Open Wide!” and “No” at key points in the book. So, Steve has started to pause on pages to see what she says. Now, she says “tissues over floor” and “medicine out door” and when prompted provides the right word. It’s a hoot!