Ironically, Katherine had a big breakthrough with her ABCs with her Aunt Sharon…over the phone. I called Sharon, after Katherine said she wanted to talk to “Ayee.” Katherine promptly said her entire ABCs, excluding M and N. She said R, not forgetting TUV. I guess childraising is about small victories. I think we’ll have the ABCs down in a couple weeks – not bad for just 2 years old!!
Big Girl Potty
Katherine’s cousin, Kevin, visited yesterday afternoon. We had a small resource constraint when both children decided that they had to go “pee.” So, I put Katherine on her new potty seat on the “big potty” and told her not to go anywhere. I accompanied Kevin upstairs, unlocked the potty and made sure he washed his hands. As we headed downstairs, I heard a big bang and FLUSH. Katherine had gone pee, wiped herself, jumped off the potty, pulled off her little seat, dropped the toilet seat and then flushed everything. She’s growing up so quickly, and is starting to object to diapers – wanting instead to wear undies during the day and at night.
Horse Jackets and Fog
Katherine has amazing comprehension and retention these days. On the way home from the grandparents houses, we pass by a horse farm that often has the horses wrapped in blankets. We’ve talked about it, and Katherine understands that the horses get “cold” and need “jackets.” Today, as we buzzed down another road, I asked her what animals we would see at another farm. She said “horses in jackets.” We’ve also talked about fog and she explains that “foggy…hard to see.”