Mama Play Zin Zin Under Chin
I swear this is what Katherine said to me the other day (Zin Zin = Violin). I asked her if she would like a little violin for Christmas. She said “Yes, Bow” then “Rosin.” Then she added, “Tata use Mama’s rosin.” I explained the bow and rosin would come with the violin, but that she could use mine if she wanted. This seemed to pacify her. She then explained to her care bear that the violin would go under it’s chin. ๐ Now, I’ve got to figure out where to get a small violin that she can’t take apart….I have saved my old half size violin for Katherine, but it’s just too large (and expensive) for her.
Nursery Rhymes
Katherine loves her Baby Lap Book, asking for nursery rhymes in the morning and evening. Her favorite rhymes are Baa Baa Black Sheep, Three Blind Mice, Humpty Dumpty, Itsy Bitsy Spider. Over the last two weeks, she’s started to say them – albeit not necessarily super coherently. So, she’ll start with ABCs, then move to Spider, then Twinkle followed by Sheep. Other times, she’ll say the rhymes straight through. She’ll flip through her book, trying to find a specific rhyme – and point to others “this one, this one.”
Oranges, a New Fruit Favorite
Katherine calls them “OJs” – and just started asking for them on a really regular basis. I bought a small box of satsuma madarin oranges at the local market, and she just mows them down. Not only are they consistently sweet, but they are just the right size to pop in her mouth!
Having Conversations
It’s pretty cool that we can have conversations with Katherine now. For instance, she informed me today that there was a “bee in house” and that dada got it with a tissue. She will wander around the house asking “Lambey, where are you?” or “Swifter, where are you?” She has names for all her books, asking tonight plaintively for another book (“Bear Hunt, real fast?”) as we were lowering her into her crib. Often we find that even when she appears not to be listening, she is. Tonight, she was playing with Mandy – her grandaunts golden – and her uncle mentioned that the dog’ts bone was broken. Katherine, who was busy playing with Mandy and the dog’s ball, then said “Dada, fix it” and then “tape.” After her uncle explained why the dog would choke on tape, Katherine said “no no” and gave it back to the dog.