Over the last several months, Katherine has found it a bit difficult to let go of both Mom and Dad. Case in point we went to the movies in January and she howled when we left. This month we’ve made a real effort to have extended family take care of Katherine, so she becomes more comfortable in a non primary caregiver environment. Coincidentally, Steve and I played in the annual MS PuzzleHunt with a group of friends this weekend, which turned out to be a great opportunity for her to spend time with my mom. They had a great time – no separation anxiety, no tears or asking Mom or Dad to stay home. I asked her afterwards “did you have a good time?” and she nodded. After PuzzleHunt on Sunday afternoon, Steve’s mom dropped by and took Katherine out for a couple hours – again she had a blast. We feel like we’re making progress.
Speaking of PuzzleHunt, our team (Killer Bees) came in 4th place. Not bad given that 60 odd teams played… ๐
Becoming a “Big Girl”
We have the most interesting conversations with Katherine these days. A few days ago, Steve and Bisco were wrestling and Katherine declared “Mama play with Bisco.” Listening from the kitchen I heard the following exchange…
Steve – “Mama is carrying the baby right now. She can’t play with Bisco…”
Katherine – “Mama put baby in car seat. Mama play with Bisco…”
She is also very proud to be able to do the things that we take for granted, like spitting. Now after we brush teeth, she takes her little plastic cup, tries to gargle and aims for the sink. She makes it most of the time. Sometimes her PJs get a little damp before bed.
Pie Book
Katherine now goes to the library every week for Story time and the ritual of picking out and returning library books. The first couple times we had to keep explaining the concept of borrowing books and how she has to keep the paper covers on. Now she gets it and really enjoys reading different books. On one of our first trips, I picked up a book called Sweet Dream Pie because it was written by the same author who wrote Silly Sally – a favorite book. The “pie book” is for a bit older children, and it’s story line is a bit fantastic; however, it’s now on Katherine’s hot list of books including Officer Buckle and Gloria as well as The Old Woman who ate a Trout (Pacific NW version of the spider book). She’s memorized her favorite parts of these books (like all the sweet ingredients that go in the pie!) and requests to read them again and again at night. Before her nap we hear her dragging her books into her junior bed and the thump of the books on the floor when she’s done with them.