Sleep deprivation is taking its toll on our family. We had a couple tough nights this past week. For several nights Allison was getting up at 11PM, 1AM, 3AM and 5AM, and it was taking at least 45 minutes to get her back to sleep after an endless loop of nurse/burp/pooh/nurse/burp. As of Saturday night we’ve adopted some new tactics to get more sleep.
- She’s now sleeping in her crib, so we don’t have to listen to her thrash, burp, pass gas, and make other noises in our room.
- I’m modifying my eating habits – no more spicy or potentially gaseous food that will keep Allison up to all hours of the night.
- We’re starting to employ the concept of shifts, where one parent is on shift with the baby monitor at any one time.
The good news is that she is putting on weight at a rapid clip. As of Friday, she was 6 lbs. 11.5 oz and 20″ long. This puts her in 75% height and 25% weight, a tall and skinny baby like Katherine. The doctor also said that her wheezing, sing-song breathing wasn’t a problem. It is likely caused by still soft cartilage in her nose.
Last night we finally got our first decent night’s sleep. Allison woke up at 11PM, then 3AM and then 7AM. ๐ To counter this, Katherine woke up at 1PM demanding “Allison sleep with Mama, Katherine sleep with Dada in guest room!” We’ve been telling Katherine today that Allison is now in her crib, and we expect her to sleep in her junior bed as well.
Katherine is adjusting to Allison as well as can be expected, although she still acts up and tests us. When in the minivan she’s told us several times “I have to go to bathroom. Dada, please pull over now so we can go to store” and then didn’t have to go to the bathroom! Or, she will ask for a food and not touch it at dinner. She especially pushes Steve really hard, knowing that he’s more likely to listen to her incessant demands. Katherine takes pride in being a big sister. She insists on “closing the strap” on Allison’s diaper, getting towels for Allison’s bath and even trying to lather her up! She is as gentle as possible with the baby – and knows that if she sits on the couch she can hold the baby on her lap.
I’ve reached some exciting milestones as well. As of Day 10, the doctor gave a thumbs up so I can now drive! Also, I’ve packed away ALL my maternity clothes for future donation, hopefully never to see or wear them again! It’s very exciting to actually wear my pre-pregnancy (albeit chubby) clothes.