Katherine and I just took Allison to her 1 month checkup. Katherine was a very helpful big sister, sitting on the examining table keeping an eye on her little sister. Allison howled from the moment I took her out of her car seat until after her Hep booster. The good news is that Allison is packing on weight. She’s now 7 lbs. 14 oz (25%) and 21.5 inches (75%). She’s following her sister’s dimensions very closely albeit a little lighter and shorter than Katherine at this point. The doctor predicted that her wheezing and chirping breathing would disappear between 2 to 4 months. We can’t wait for this to happen because she is a very noisy girl!
Allison now can keep her head straight for a second or two when we hold her up. She also looks straight at us or the mobile and doesn’t do the one-eye thing too much anymore. Her mobility is progressing – she can sort of rock herself, gain momentum and manage to roll on to one side before rolling back again. Bath time is still a riot; it sounds like we are torturing the poor child because she starts to cry as soon as she hears the bath running and we take off her diaper. It could be the water or the commotion next to the bath…
Sample Dialog:
Christine: “Katherine, can you please hand me the towel?”
Katherine: “NO. This my towel. Me have towel too…Me big sister.”
Katherine has gotten more possessive of her toys of late. Family and friends remind us that “this is just a stage,” but it can be painful watching her grab toys from other kids. We’re trying to teach her how to ask and listen before she takes something from a friend. But, it’s slow progress…The irony is that I asked Katherine last night for something. And, she said “Say please Mama!”
Clothes Horse
Katherine is also turning into a little clothes horse. She loves to rustle through her new big dresser and find out what is clean. The highlight after dinner is finding clean Nemo PJs. She also adores wearing her Gymboree bike shorts – and will change outfits once or twice a day. (She would change more often if we let her!) Last night she spied a couple new shirts and shorts in the clean laundry basket. She rummaged through and, within a minute, had a new outfit on. Last night, she ended the evening with a short sleeve shirt, bike shorts and a tank top on top of it all. This morning she wore apple shorts, striped red dress and a Stanford sweatshirt to the doctors office! It was pretty ghastly.