Just like her older sister…
Allison is following in her older sister’s foot, or sleep, steps. At 12 weeks exactly (the night before I went back to work), Katherine officially slept through the night. Two nights ago, at 11.5 weeks, Allison slept a whopping 9 hours! I walked in at 6 hours expecting to see her awake, then checked in on her at 7 and 8 hours. She kept snoozing and finally gave a big stretch and yawn at 9 hours. Ironically I didn’t get a very good night sleep. Bisco had an irritated ear from allergies and woke Steve and I up at 4AM.
Last night Allison slept 7.5 hours, from 9:40 to 5AM. I was so proud and so got a 6 hour stretch of sleep before waking up for good. Her sleep schedule is pretty well set. She drops off to sleep between 9:20 and 10PM – about an hour after Katherine goes to bed and while we watch the Tour de France. ๐
I have my fingers crossed that this isn’t just a growth spurt thing.
No pictures today…I’ll update with some later this week.