First Day of Preschool
I can hardly believe that I’d finally be writing about this…Katherine woke up today at 8AM just in time to eat some cereal, put on her party dress & tights and head off to preschool. Things looked a bit ominous as we walked out the door as she kept saying “Mama, I want you to go to preschool with me.” Her eyes started to tear up and her mouth was downturned looking very sad. During our 10 minute conversation to school, I explained yet again that kids go to school without their parents. I told her that I’d be happy to volunteer and go to school once in a while to help out, but that school was for her to attend by herself. Thankfully the Lady and the Tramp DVD distracted her while we waited for 10 minutes in the car outside the school to drop her off, and I only heard one sad “Mama…” as a teacher lifted her out of her car seat. I shut the minivan door and headed out for my morning errands.
Pickup looked promising. I stood by the playground gate and saw Katherine running across the playground to explore the jungle gym. The teacher finally asked one of the older students in their class to fetch Katherine. He held her hand and led her to the playground gate. Katherine informed me “I only cried a little bit.” This seemed a bit at odds with her teacher’s account “She didn’t cry at all today – just a bit yesterday!” Anyway, I’m knocking on wood and hoping that things stay positive the rest of this week. Katherine is looking for ballerina outfits actively – she found a very nice one at Gymboree that she’s excited about. I’m thinking about a trip to Target on Saturday. ๐
Preschool influence is taking effect already. I played with Katherine in her kitchen today. During her conversation with one of her dolls she said “Nice to meet you!” I asked her “Did you learn this at school today?” and she said “Yes. Miss Tammy said that to me!”
The Sanitizer
I strongly suspect that Katherine’s sense of humor comes from her father. A couple days ago I heard Patty tell Katherine about Purell or “hand sanitizer.” For bedtime she scrounged up her Night before Christmas book, looked at it and started talking about “The Sanitizer!!” Yes – she was referring to Santa.
Not Two Peas in a Pod
Steve and I are convinced that the girls don’t look alike. Check out the pictures below.
I should also note that we moved Allison to the Roundabout this weekend. She seems much happier in the car – especially since both kids can see each other in their seats now!