All She Wants to do is Walk
More than anything else Allison wants to walk these days. She was in seventh heaven this morning while I held her hands this morning and helped her walk from the nursery to Katherine’s room this morning. She regularly walks from the family room to the kitchen – putting one little foot surely in front of the other. Occasionally she’ll wobble and we’ll see the left foot veer to the left or vice-versa. The only tricky part is when she tries to walk in her socks on the hardwood.
We’ve also learned not to leave Allison sitting near her toys because she will use them to get to a kneeling position….and then push herself up to a standing position. Holy Cow! I watched her go from sitting to kneeling at her Learning Table and then pull herself straight up.
Allison is also eating up a storm. I fed her some tofu boiled in broth for lunch. She mowed down several big cubes before we headed out to a nearby grocery store. We had a blast – I strapped both kids in the front of the grocery cart. It was like having two peas in a pod. Both kids did very well. I did have to put a burp cloth over the cart so Allison wouldn’t try and eat the cart! (Everything goes in the mouth…Everything.)
I also suspect that Allison’s left front tooth is going to cut through any day now. I can see a white-ish object in her gums.