She’s Eating the Cord Again!!!
Allison is on the move in a big way. She can now cruise from Katherine’s train table to her bed, past the nightstand to the wall and the closet. Tonight, she was so proud and happy to reach Katherine’s baskets of books in the closet. She then promptly leaned over and started pulling books out of the baskets! I was just floored.
One of Allison’s happiest past-times is hanging out near the stairs. I plop her on the back stairway landing, and she tries so hard to climb the last two stairs to the upstairs hallway. Steve plays with her at the bottom of the stairs, where she hangs on the baby gate and swings it back and forth.
It’s just a matter of weeks before she walks on her own. Unlike Katherine though, Allison gets into everything, and we have to watch her almost constantly. For instance, I left the room to go to the kitchen. Katherine informed me less than a minute later that Allison had crawled to the standing lamp next to the recliner and was trying to reach the cord. She will even crawl to the white toy baskets, hang over and pick out toys with which to play…